MOUKA TIŠNOV, s.r.o. is a proud successor of a family tradition dating back to 1842, when our ancestor, František Mouka, established a rope-making...
We are a Czech family company with a long tradition.
We manufacture and supply webbings and trimmings
to the whole world.
We consider the quality to be the most important value of our product and we approach it accordingly. Maintaining quality control over the whole complex range of production and business activity is guaranteed by the current quality control system according to CSN EN ISO 9001:2015.
MOUKA TIŠNOV, s.r.o. is a proud successor of a family tradition dating back to 1842, when our ancestor, František Mouka, established a rope-making...
Dear customers,
we would like to inform you that we have a new company presentation on Instagram.
You can find us under: popruhy_mouka.
We are looking...
At the end of September, our company successfully passed the recertification of its quality management system, according to ČSN EN ISO 9001:2015.